I have one last gratitude to share which is actually the most important - the appreciation I have for my family and friends near and far. Of course these important people are in my heart every day, but on holidays like this it is easier to express that affection. Grabbing a friend, or even a sibling and yelling "I LOVE YOU MAN!" is not regularly encouraged. But, today, I can get away with it. So, here goes - I LOVE YOU MAN (and women)! If you are in my life, you are there for a reason, and I appreciate that fact and cherish it daily.
Furthermore, I realized that my Mom & Dad, husband, my sisters, brother, sister-in-laws, brother-in-laws, nieces, nephews, cats, and adopted family members (i.e. friends) all contribute to the 5 things that I already counted down:
- My Health - is greatly benefited by all of the love in my life.
- My Freedom - is a product of the life shaped by my parents, husband and community.
- Good Food - is often prepared for me by my family, or enjoyed with friends.
- Much Laughter - is encouraged and promoted by everyone in my life.
- And, a daily does of unconditional love is provided by my Cats.
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