This image is called "freedom". Cool right? |
For Day 2 of the Thanksgiving countdown the "thing" I am so very thankful for is actually many things that fall under one header -
freedom. it's cheating a bit to pick such a broad theme that affords me the opportunity to address several items at once. But, I think it's important to cover them all - and hey, this is my blog, so I have the
freedom to do what I want :).
When I think of the word "freedom" my first thought is how proud I am to be an American. No matter what happens in the political climate of the country, or how disappointed I get when I learn about corruption in our government, I am still so incredibly thankful to have been born here. As much as we complain about what things cost and the troubled economy, we still have an incredible number of affordable options in housing, food and clothing. In short, the majority of Americans are free to have our needs met. When I think of other countries who don't even have clean drinking water, or where the average weekly wage is less than $10, I am blown away by how lucky I am.
And, in terms of personal safety, I know I am blessed every day. With all the dedicated members of the armed services protecting my safety, along with police, fire personnel, EMTs, nurses and doctors, I don't have to live in fear. I am thankful just to know that others have made a commitment to looking out for my well being and that of all those I love.
Those freedoms cover my basic physical needs, but freedom is really so much more. True freedom is a state of mind. I feel especially blessed to have recently learned that I can break free from others criticisms, judgments, or demands. I can set boundaries as to what I will and will not accept from others. And, I can just choose to be happy and confident with my choices regardless of the outcomes. Now that is freeing! How do I do that? Practice, lots and lots of practice. I've learned to
meditate, take time to breath deeply, journal daily, practice Emei Qigong regularly, and aim to avoid toxic people whenever possible. This is a bit more complicated than I make it sound and I am only just beginning to experience freedom from my once perfectionist ways, but just knowing that I truly have the power to get there makes me happy to be alive. (I am actually reading a book right now to this end called
Aware, Awake, Alive. The author, Elliott Dacher, M.D., is a very wise man with a very simple but powerful message. I am lucky enough to get to meet him at
TGI next week.)
In line with all this freedom I have discovered within myself, I also am very grateful for the freedoms that my life has afforded me. My parents generously put me through college which enabled me to always have ample career options. For that, along with the experience of college itself which really helped me spread my wings, I am eternally grateful. I think so many kids expect that their parents are just going to pay for school, and that seems to be the case frequently these days. I know of numerous families in which the parents have put off retirement or gotten second jobs just to pay for their child's education. And, yet, from what I understand of these situations, the children don't seem to appreciate the sacrifices their parents have made. College itself is a form of freedom and if someone helps you get that, you should be thankful -
I'm just saying.
Which brings me to my husband who is helping to support me through graduate school (
TGI). He knows that I am completing this program (Integrative Health & Healing) because I am so passionate about health and I want to learn everything I can on the subject. And, he also realizes that getting this degree will not necessarily help to increase my income. But, with this, and in most other areas, he lets me "do my own thing" which makes me very happy. We both give each other the freedom of having our own lives, without restricting each others' choices or activities, and I personally feel that is the only way a relationship can work.
Boy, this is getting long, if you are still with me, I have one more freedom that I have become especially thankful for in the past year and that is my
freelance writing and web career. Prior to going out on my own I had some of the worst job experiences you could imagine - a boss who just didn't show up for work leaving me scrambling to get big projects complete (that same boss laid me off the day before my wedding), a manager who stole from me, a narcissistic colleague whose lies and manipulation made me feel as though I was losing my mind. In short, I have been ultimately forced to convene with really unethical, unkind and sociopathic individuals just to make a living! But, once you become a freelancer you get to choose who you work with. Don't get me wrong, being a freelancer is very difficult and there are lots of negatives. Yet in general, the decisions are all my own. If someone is nasty to me, I just don't take any additional projects from them. It is amazing how much better your day is when you are no longer surrounded by people you despise. And, the ability to work on writing and web projects from the comfort of my own home, when I have the energy, is the ultimate freedom and blessing too.
I know I said that was the last one - but I thought of just one more. I am thankful for the freedom to express myself on the Internet and for people who actually read what I write. (
I'm talking to you - thanks!) Facebook and my
blogs really help me get my feelings out to the world. Since I am quite shy, having a vehicle for my voice is something I am grateful for every day.